
About us

We like to write software that people want to use.

Northgate ready

All our mobile applications are written to work with and interface with Northgate M3, iLap, or eNgage straight out of the box.

You can arrange a demonstration of any or all of our mobile products by contacting your Northgate representative.

Information where it's needed

Most mobile apps not only limit the type of information available to you, but also how it's presented to you when you are in the field, especially when there is no mobile signal. We don't.

To us, it is important that you have all the information you need, in an easy to use way, every time you need it, irrespective of signal.

To achieve this we have built our own onboard mapping system, our own surveying system using GPD, our own templates, syncing interfaces between multiple systems, and we continue to write apps from the ground up to make sure that they do exactly what you need them to do.

Ease of use

We pride ourselves on how easy we make our products to use. This is because we spend the time to understand exactly how it will be used.

Capture information at its source

No-one wants to have to jot down notes in a book and then type it in later, or worse, type in second hand data.

We always make sure you can capture the information at its source, as fast or faster than you can write it.

The Midlands

Our software is designed and developed in Birmingham in the heart of the UK.

Designed and made in Britain.